Thursday, May 27, 2010


So this past weekend Shawn and I attended pre-cana. For those of you who don't know pre-cana is a class that those of the Catholic religion are required to attend before marriage. Being that I am Catholic and want to be married in a Catholic church this was something Shawn and I need to do. The class is meant to help the couple on the right (and religious) road to a happy and health marriage. The program gets its name from the biblical account of the wedding feast of Cana, where Jesus brought “new wine” to the couple, a symbol and a reality that he can restore us to the type of love that truly satisfies, a love that lasts. The class will give the attendees the hope that this type of love is possible!

Of course Shawn and I had plenty of reservations about going to the class. We had heard all of the horror stories and needless to say we were not exactly thrilled to get up at 7:00am on a Saturday morning. Luckily it wasn't nearly as bad as we had imagined. We were in a room with about 15-16 other couples all around the same age as us. There were even a few couples there we knew! Who would have thought! lol We started off the day going around the room introducing ourselves and stating one good quality about our significant other. Shawn and I were almost late and ended up having to sit in the front guess who had to go first! lol The good quality I had for Shawn was that he knows how to ground and comfort me when I dont have a level head. Shawn, who's not a very outspoken person (especially under pressure) said "I feel the same way....there's too many to list" aww...nervous and cute lol

After we broke the ice so to speak the deacon and his wife starting talking to us about alot of different, children, personalities, commitment and most of all what it truly means to be married in the eyes of God. Now I'm not saying that I would love to run off and do this class every weekend it did have its down sides. The class ran from 8:30-4:30 (although we did get out a little early) we had to provide our own lunch, and the class was $100 to take. But overall the class was not bad. The point they were trying to get across wasn't a bad one and it wasn't 8 hours of preaching. The deacon and his wife were very nice and modern when it comes to religious views.

After the pre-cana class Shawn and I had to head up to Haines Falls to go to 5:00 mass to meet with Father Motta again and give him our pre-cana certificate. After mass Father pulled Shawn and I aside and ask us each questions separately. Nothing too invasive the questions were just along the lines of "is there any reason your aware of that would inhibit you from having children" "do you freely consent to marriage" yadda yadda lol. We should only have a few more meetings left and day!

Lastly we have decided on our florist! We haven't sent anything in stone yet but yesterday my sister and I (Shawn had fire house obligations) went to Jeneane's Floral Creations in Ravena. Friends of ours has there wedding done there and had recommended her to us. She is so nice and  professional. She was able to pick right up on what kind of look I was going for. We went over everything from bouquet's to runners and pew decorations. The best part...she is completely within our budget!! I'm so excited and I cant wait until wemeet with her again!  (Love this centerpiece! Obviously this is not the colors I would have but I just wanted to show a sample of her work. I love the look of the cube vase. I'm really looking into having something like that!)
P.s. I would like everyone to please check out and follow.... if you are a mom yourself (or plan on one day being a mother ) or even just love fun stories and awesome photogrpahy you'll love her blog...and and tell her I sent ya! Thanks :o)

Thanks for reading!

Only 128 days until the wedding!
Only 143 days until the honeymoon!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Time to party!

I have so much to share with you all and so many great pictures for this one! One of my best friends as many of you know is also getting married. This past month we had both her bridal shower and bachlorette party.  The bridal shower (though we had the threat of a down pour) went wonderfully! We ended up having a beautiful spring day for the outdoor shower.

We decorated the tables with vases of daisy's and tied ribbon to well...pretty much everything! The bride of course had her own specially decorated chair and hydrangea flowers.

Our spread was so delicious including an array of appetizers, penne vodka, chicken marsala, green bean casserole and salad yum! :o) For dessert we had a choice of a cupcake cake, cookies or fruit (all of which with the option to be dipped in chocolate!

We also had the guest play games. The first was a questionnaire called "How well do you know Courtney" and the second was toilet paper wedding dresses (that was a blast!)

The bride received so many wonderful gifts from all of her family and friends; everything from wine glasses to quilts!

We all had a terrific time and Courtney looked pretty darn good in her bow hat lol :o)

The following weekend we through Courtney her bachlorette party!

 We started off the night at Hana a Hibachi restaurant in Albany. That was a blast! Our chef had quite a sense of humor (he even called himself Jackie Chan) and kept us laughing the whole time. He even made a cute little heart out of fried rice lol!

One of the waters, Jamie had told us at the beginning of our dinner that he had a surprise for Courtney. When he returned at the end of our meal him, and most of the staff came out and sang "Going to the chapel" and wegot free ice cream to boot! It was hysterical! 

After we finished at Hana we went to Bomber's Burrito bar for a few drinks to finish the night. We enjoyed a few margarita's and some good music and called it a night. (The rest of the girls and the bride had a room at a near by hotel to continue the party!)

Oooo and before I forget!!! Before all of the festivities the bride gave us bridesmaids some pretty amazing gifts including.... engraved wine glasses with our initial, an engraved picture frame, gifts certificates to a salon, and for me in particular tons of Lush bath products!!!  It was such a great time and now I truly can't wait for my turn!!!

Thanks for reading!

Only 129 days until the wedding!
Only 144 days until the honeymoon!